Frequently Asked Questions

What topics do you specialize in?

We specialize in everything ages 0 through 5. This includes pregnancy support, toilet training, developing a healthy and sustainable meal plan for your little one, sleep and nap training, structuring play and outdoor time, travel tips, tantrum management, self-soothing, toy suggestions, self-feeding, independence, bilingual development, development and refinement of social skills, designing your nursery/child’s room, and more. No topic is too big or small for us to conquer with you.

When does age 0 start?

Age 0 starts in the womb. That means that we are already hands-on before birth: we help you outline what general parenting approach you want to take, think through questions you might have about specific aspects of caring for and raising your munchkin, assist with the search for your perfect form of childcare down the road, help create and set up the nursery of your dreams, and help you get your home baby-ready.

Do you work with multiples?

Yes, absolutely! We love working with siblings, be that same-age or with an age gap.

Do you provide licensed child therapy services?

No. We are parent consultants, not licensed therapists. That said, we are experts at helping you think about your child’s development and if, or when, some extra assistance may be needed. Should it come to that, we offer a full range of referrals from long-term special needs services to short-term therapy assistance.

Do both parents need to attend sessions?

No. We love to work with the whole family, but want to offer help where it is needed. That means we work with individual parents, single parents, step-parents, grandparents, or any other form of caregiver.

Do parents need to be present for in-home visits?

We ask that at least one parent is present for in-home sessions. We believe that young children are the most comfortable in their happy place: home and around their loved ones. For us to get a true-to-form snapshot of what your home environment and life looks like, we ask that at least one parent/caregiver is present for the entire session.

Are in-home visits limited to a certain area?

Yes. We are currently limited to Chicago and suburbs within a 50 mile radius. If in doubt, send us a message and we can see what we can make happen!

How often do you update your client resources?

We are passionate about our client library and are constantly expanding it to reflect any new developments and findings in the field of Early Childhood Development. That said, if you ever have a topic that you would love to know more about, send us a message and we’ll add it to our list.

Do you offer group workshops?

Absolutely! If you are interested in a group event, be that personal or professional, get in touch with us. We love to learn in a crowd - the more, the merrier!