Our Philosophy

Parenting is the best. Parenting is also a lot. There are so many questions, so many decisions, so many options that you are expected to know the answer to. Some of them are gradual decisions that you can make over time, others require more instant action. What do I do if I’m halfway through sleep training and suddenly have a really rough night? We are approaching toilet training - what strategy will be the best fit for our child? Everyone around me talks about “Montessori schools”. What are they? Are they a good fit for childcare for us? What other options are out there? I want to set my home up to raise an independent child. How do I do that? Our child bites at school. At home we don’t see any of it. What do we do? Every single time we are at an airport, it’s tantrums nonstop. I’m at my wit’s end.

The list of questions and scenarios is endless. And yes, it’s true: a lot of information is google-able, but let’s be real… Which full-time parent has the time or energy to do this research on their own clock? Even if you did, the mountain of contradicting opinions and advice out there can be paralyzing to say the least. Wouldn’t you much rather spend that time with your child or - if they are snoozing already - practicing some quality self-care to recharge for the next day?

That’s exactly where The Village comes in! We are here to help you solve your parenting struggles. We are here to take the stress away. We are here to let you focus on the best part of parenting: joy.

How do we do that? We blend our background of academic training in Early Childhood Development with our years of hands-on experience of working with young children. Think of us as the missing puzzle piece: you bring love, care, and a deep-seated knowledge of your child to the table, we sprinkle in some outside expertise, and together we will conquer any mountain.

We focus on the early childhood years, meaning ages 0 through 5. Why? Because we are obsessed with that time period. These first five years form the foundation of a child’s development. That is not to say that a whole lot of magic doesn’t take place beyond that too, but 0 through 5 will form the first building block of the beautiful souls your children will grow up to be. Neuron connections literally form the physical roadmap of your child’s brain during this time, and we create our baseline for emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development. It’s as daunting, beautiful, and simple as that.

Think of 0 through 5 as the first of many chapters that you and your little one will embark on together. Our goal is simply to be that village you stumble across on a long hike, a place where you can ask for help. There will be different routes available to you leading you out of the village and on your way. All we want to do is to empower you to continue your hike with confidence, peace of mind, and sheer joy.